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Connect with your personal quitting coach today. Contact your PEHP Quitline representative to enroll​, or call 855-366-7500

Becoming and staying tobacco free

Thinking about quitting is the first step and each day without smoking is a big win. Quitting for the long term is possible when you include your loved ones and the Quitline. They can give you tools to make quitting happen and help you be around longer for those you love. Talk to a counselor from the Quitline today and start breathing the fresh smoke-free air.

Hispanic Woman It can be hard to ask for help and remember you don’t have quit alone – your support team wants to see you succeed and be your healthiest self. Strong social connections are part of Latino culture and you can rely on your friends and family to help you now. With support, your chances of quitting are up to seven times higher!

You have likely gone to a lot of celebrations in your life: baptisms, birthdays, quinceañeras, and weddings. Celebrate your success with quitting, even the small steps, and make sure to include your friends and family. They will be glad to see your progress.

Why quit now?

Quitting smoking or other tobacco is not easy but it is possible! Here’s a few reasons to quit:

  • Quitting improves the health of you and your family. No more secondhand smoke!
  • People who quit live longer – more time with people you love
  • Delicious food tastes even better after you quit
  • Have more energy for activities you love
  • Don’t have to leave the fun with your family and friends to go smoke
  • More money in your pocket to spend the way you want to

Things to think about as you quit

Young man with mother image Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for you and your loved ones. We know quitting can be hard, but with support from a Coach at the Quitline you will feel the benefits of quitting in no time.

You may smoke, but not every day, and you might not think about quitting. When it comes to health there is no safe number of cigarettes – every time you smoke it harms you and your family who might be around you when you smoke.

Stress may be a reason you smoke – like not being able to see a doctor when you or your family need to, helping family members like your parents or children when they are sick, or stress from work. Your Coach at the Quitline will help you make a plan for how to handle stress without smoking. Remember to let your family and friends know you are quitting so they can support you too.

Abuelita Some Hispanic or Latino communities smoke less than others. For example, Latinos born in another country tend to smoke less than Latinos born in the United States. But, no matter where you come from, the good news is most Latinos who smoke want to quit and more than half try to quit every year. We are here for you with FREE help when you are ready to start your quitting journey.